Wait, what?

Ramblings on Life, Love, Humor, and Wierdness(not necessarily in that order)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Good afternoon, all. It's a semi-rainy afternoon, and I just got finished reading my sister's blog over at www.mandapooh.blogspot.com (one day I'll get this hypertext working). Thanks for making me cry in front of all these people, Mandy. Seriously, my sister is the most creative person I have ever met. She's got an eye for beauty, Kieth notwithstanding(just kidding, Kieth). I think it comes from the time she takes to understand things and do things. When we were younger, we were both on the swim team. I used to get frustrated at her because she didn't seem in a hurry to get to the other end of the pool. Later on, as I thought about it and think about it, she seemed happy having the knowledge of how the strokes worked and doing them right. It was the art of it all. That's what made her happy. It still is, the way I see it. She is an artist in every instance of the word. Brother-in-law, YOU ARE LUCKY. Don't let it go to your head, or do, whichever you think will make Mandy happier. Oh, one more thing on this subject of my sister. If you, the reader, have an older sibling, think about them. Were they jerks sometimes? Did they pick on you? Tickle you until you started crying? Hit you in the eye with a baton(not mentioning any names)? Okay, so they were mean to you. Get over it. It was their job. Now think about when you were scared, mad, or someone did you wrong. Who was there for you? If it was your older sister or brother, or any iteration of sibling-type, let them know you remember how good they were. You help me and love me, ergo, I can do no less. Love you, sis.


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