Wait, what?

Ramblings on Life, Love, Humor, and Wierdness(not necessarily in that order)

Friday, July 14, 2006

Good afternoon, all. I am working like crazy, but had a few minutes to check in. Hello, other anonymous person that commented on my Missouri Sky post. I really would like to know who you anonymous people are if you even want to be known. Put your name or something that might help me recognize you. In family news, my wife has been sick(please pray), my daughter is growing up too fast, and I've been a busy bee today. That's about it for now. Have a great evening. Love & Out to all.


  • At 4:15 PM, July 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey Robby mandy came over and showed this to Jennifer and she showed it to me, I thought I'd say hey I don't have a clue what a blogger is or how to ever get back to this so have fun with it out Scott L.


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