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Ramblings on Life, Love, Humor, and Wierdness(not necessarily in that order)

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Joys Have Arrived!

Hey, folks! I won't apologize for not blogging because this is supposed to be something fun I do, not a chore. Take that, blogger elitists! But seriously folks, it's good to blog with you again.
I am in a time of change. I have discovered something that I really like and am juiced about: digital photography. God's been showing me how beautiful things around me are and how I've overlooked them for a long time. I'm in the process of learning about photography basics out of a photography book I got at Books-A-Million. It's kind of confusing, but I'll get the hang of it. Just please pray for me that I'll retain the knowledge that I'm reading and that I'll get the funds to get a really good camera(Canon EOS 40d or 5d).

On to family. Tracie is now working at Baptist South Hospital in Montgomery as a Social Worker. She got a pay raise, less stress than at Gateway(to Hell), and a shorter drive with less traffic. It's hard work, but nowhere near as stressful as her previous job. We have been spending more time together just us and it is awesome. We realize when we do how important it is to have a relationship that is ours, not ours and Keelin's or MawMaws or anyone else. When we start saying stuff the same way Keelin says it, it's time for a date. Keelin is the BOMB. Seriously. She is growing so fast and getting so smart. She started school recently and is taking to it wonderfully. Also, she is picking up on stuff we say(namely, me). Her most commonly used phrases are: awesome, freakin' awesome, it's all good, I don't know about that, and here's what I want Santa to bring me. She's a bit of a talker, a LOT of a singer(which she does beautifully), and a brilliant dancer. Mom had us kind of freaked out this past Sunday, but thank God it was just Bell's Palsy. Tracie had that around the beginning of the year and it sucked, but Mom is doing good. I'm doing good. I'm learning Photoshop CS2 and it's awesome. I'm still at Dixie designing the graphics. It's been beautiful here with the temps in the 60's and 70's most days along with the leaves finally changing colors.

To close, I'm going to list some of my likes and dislikes of the moment:

Likes: Looking at digital SLR cameras, Photoshop CS2, my Wii(it's been awhile), Super Mario Galaxy, Keelin rocking Wii bowling, Taco Bell's Chili Cheese burrito(been a long time) Stranger Than Fiction, BBC Radio1,2,&3, mash-ups, putting the in front of words ( like the Coldplay, I like the bowling, kids today are all about the Nelly Furtado and the Fall Out Boy) Mark Ronson Version, String Quartet Tribute to (insert rock band here), falling to sleep listening to my worship playlist.

Dislikes: UAB's computer system(why can't you erase my previous addresses and insurance card #'s; it would save all of us from insanity)
Not wanting to be patient for my camera
People not being as interested in games as I am. Not just video games, but board games, card games, or group games.

I would like to end on a high note, so I'll end on a couple of jokes:

What kind of shoes did the guy born with two left feet get? Flip-Flips.

Why are pirates called pirates? They just ARRRRRE!

Love you guys. Out.


  • At 6:30 AM, November 26, 2007, Blogger Zipidee said…

    The best part of learning photography with a digital is the cost. After the initial cost of the camera there is no more. Click, Click , Click! Don't like Click two -- delete! Red Eye? Photoshop it. To dark? Photoshop it.
    A friend gave me a Canon Rebel when he upgraded. I click pics all the time and occasionaly get a good one.
    Congrats to Tracy on the job and tell Keelin I said Hi!


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