Wait, what?

Ramblings on Life, Love, Humor, and Wierdness(not necessarily in that order)

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Good morning, you people of the living persuasion. It's Thursday, and I just wanted to check in. I'm in a music mood today, and I'm going to get right to it. I'm inventing a new sound description in the category of rock. It's called 'U2ishness'. These are songs that you hear and, no matter how crappy you feel, they give you hope and make you feel like it's not so bad. Here's what I've come up with so far:
Where The Streets Have no Name by U2
Beautiful Day by U2
Valkyrie Missle by Angels and Airwaves
Do It for Me now by Angels and Airwaves
The Adventure by Angels and Airwaves
Hopopolli by Sigur Ros
Better Way by Ben Harper(not the best singer, but good music)
Clocks by Coldplay
God Put a Smile on your Face by Coldplay
Hey, Jude by the Beatles
Move Along by The All-American Rejects
My Humps by the Black-Eyed Peas
Okay, just kidding about that last one. But seriously. It's not necessarily the words to these songs, though with some of them it is. It's the music or the words combined with the emotion of either me when I listen, or the person singing. It's the passion and the energy. It's the crescendo. I'm all about the building up and tearing down and the building up again of a song. I think that's my favorite thing about music. The fact that the way something sounds can make my heart feel so good, that I can ride the music from a trot to a full gallop(not that I ride horses; wrong West family member). If you know what I'm talking about and know of some songs that do this or make you feel like this, let me know. Or if you have your own sound description, comment on it. I'll check in later with you guys. Also, go check out
Les's blog(shown in my links section) and check out the Halloween post. Pretty awesome. Aaaaand...I'm out.


  • At 11:51 AM, September 29, 2006, Blogger Leslie said…

    Oh my gosh, I have tons of songs that make me feel better when I'm down. Now, you'll think I'm joking about some of these, but it's not about the words. Some of these, it's the sound and with some of them, I just associate them with happy memories so they make me happy when I hear them.

    Let's Stay Together - Al Green

    Let's Get it On (no dirty connotations -- there's just something about that rhythm that makes me need to dance and who can be down when their dancing?)

    Starry Starry Night

    Walking on Sunshine

    Free by Ginny Owens

    Wake up, Little Susie

    Christmas Time is Here - from Charlie Brown Christmas

    I'm sure there's a ton more, but that should do for now.

  • At 6:38 AM, October 19, 2006, Blogger Zipidee said…

    Gimme Shelter -- the Stones

    While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison, White Album

    The entire 'A Day With Out Rain' Album by Enya. Some of it will pick you up, some might bring you down but all of it will touch your soul.

  • At 7:16 PM, October 30, 2006, Blogger Zipidee said…

    Thanks Dude. But if you've time for comments how bout some bloggin :~)
    To hear about my great neice from her grandfather's one perspective how 'bout from Dads' point of view.


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