Wait, what?

Ramblings on Life, Love, Humor, and Wierdness(not necessarily in that order)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Good afternoon, guys. It has been a crazy weekend. My daughter turns 3(3!) today and I'm dumbstruck. We are going to Chucky Cheese hell tonight(shout out to all you Tim Wilson fans out there) and I haven't been there since it was called Showbiz Pizza. I realllly hope they show Looney Toons cartoons during the intermissions. They probably won't, due to the 'graphic violence' in them. You guys have a great evening. Here's an inspirational poster for you downtrodden Star Trek fans. Love & out to all.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Good afternoon, guys.
Well, in 3 short days my daughter will be 3 years old. Does that sound wierd to anyone else? It does to me. I wonder about things sometimes, such as:
1) Where do babies come from? Wait, no, nevermind.
2) Why do I like Monty Python? They're awesome, that's why.
3) It's raining outside. Are my windows up? No. Crap.
4) Do I deserve the awesomeness that is my life? No, but I'll take it.
Do any of you have this feeling: I've been married for almost 5 years. That may not seem like a long time to most, but to me it seems like it's the way it's always been. I can't see myself not being married to Tracie. Not having the friends I have. Well, it's the same way with munchkin. I look back and see how my life has been changed by her and I'm grateful. I'm happy being with her, watching movies with her(1,000 times), and watching her listen to music. She can't help dancing. She told me so. So, if the internet and my blog is still here in a few years, I hope you see this, munchkin, and realize that I love you sooo much. You are beautiful, lovely, and my favorite little girl in the whole world. Happy birthday.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Snakes on a Plane's Gonna Getcha!

Good morning, folks. I thought I would post this just because it is cool. I have no plans on seeing this, but I like hearing Samuel Jackson talk.

Just past it in your browser window.
I used my sister's name because it would've sounded stupid coming from myself, right? Right? SNAKEBIT!!! Love and out to all...

Friday, August 04, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

Good afternoon, people. I had a great time last night watching "The Visitation" with the youth. I was skeptical before it started, but it was great. Little creepy, but great. Creepy because Randy Travis was in it and Terminator 2 kid Edward Furlong. Just kidding about creepy Randy Travis. Maybe. Anyhoo, before the movie, we started playing with one of those computer voice typing programs. We started playing Name that Movie using quotes. They started off with some quote I didn't get, but mine was this: "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries. Now go away before I taunt you a second time!" If you didn't get that, we need to have a movie night. I'll call in the answer later. They had no clue. I then proceeded to ask everyone(while my wife rolled her eyes, looked down, and shook her head) and no one else had a clue! I'm starting to realize that I am from a whole different school of comedic tastes than alot of people I know. Mandy, Jen, Keith(do I spell that right?), some of my cousins, and a smattering of other people roll in this crew. They love wierd humor. Now onto my "these kids today" rant. They don't watch movies that were made before 1990. If you are above 25 and I say Patrick Dempsey, you don't think Grey's Anatomy; you think "Can't Buy Me Love" or that Special Delivery movie(extra anchovies). When I say "Pretty in Pink" you get the desire to watch every 80's teen movie in a row. Go deeper. Lately, I've had the desire to watch some old movies( 50's 60's). It's taken me a long time to realize that not all comedy has to become not funny the older it gets. Who doesn't like the Three Stooges? Laugh In? Carol Burnett? Kids, I challenge you to watch at least 1 older movie(before 1990) a month. Broaden your horizons. Then one day, you can gripe about the kids of today, because I'll be griping at you 30 year olds. Be blessed. Love and out...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Good afternoon, folks. I haven't really had much to say lately, but maybe inspiration will hit me later. Until then, here's another person who has way too much time on his hands, but uses it in a useless way. And by useless, I mean AWESOME.

Love and out to all...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Good afternoon, everybody. I just thought I would talk about people that are good at what they do. There are some people who are good at drums:

Other people are good at skateboarding:

The first guy has almost perfect rhythm, and Rodney Mullen(my favorite skater) has freaking awesome balance. I guess what I'm trying to say is...rhythm and balance are key to getting on to youtube.com. Or not.


On a completely different topic for all you non-video watchers, some cool pics:

hello vader

Love & out to all...