Wait, what?

Ramblings on Life, Love, Humor, and Wierdness(not necessarily in that order)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Good afternoon, guys.
Well, in 3 short days my daughter will be 3 years old. Does that sound wierd to anyone else? It does to me. I wonder about things sometimes, such as:
1) Where do babies come from? Wait, no, nevermind.
2) Why do I like Monty Python? They're awesome, that's why.
3) It's raining outside. Are my windows up? No. Crap.
4) Do I deserve the awesomeness that is my life? No, but I'll take it.
Do any of you have this feeling: I've been married for almost 5 years. That may not seem like a long time to most, but to me it seems like it's the way it's always been. I can't see myself not being married to Tracie. Not having the friends I have. Well, it's the same way with munchkin. I look back and see how my life has been changed by her and I'm grateful. I'm happy being with her, watching movies with her(1,000 times), and watching her listen to music. She can't help dancing. She told me so. So, if the internet and my blog is still here in a few years, I hope you see this, munchkin, and realize that I love you sooo much. You are beautiful, lovely, and my favorite little girl in the whole world. Happy birthday.


  • At 6:22 AM, August 14, 2006, Blogger Leslie said…

    Where DO babies come from? My parents would like for you to explain it to Drew and me. :D ha!

    It's funny, everytime I kneel down to take communion, the first prayer that comes to my mind is to thank God for his sacrifice so that I can have this awesomely BLESSED life FULL of people who love me more than I deserve to be loved - based on his example. That he would do this HUGE thing just for the opportunity to bless me even MORE is beyond what my little brain can comprehend.

    We are BLESSED - and your little munchkin is WAY up there on the list of blessings!

    Love you!


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