Of Joys & Sorrows(Joys to Come Later)
My iPod is dead. Kaput. A technological brick of metal and wires. A little piece of advice, folks. iPod + pool = disruption of iLife. The phrase "You don't know what you got 'til it's gone" is a phrase I compare to my present situation, except I know what I had to begin with. We went to Panama City with Mom & Dad this weekend to relax. Saturday morning, I thought it would be nice to take my iPod down to the pool so Dad could listen to it. From the room to the pool -- a mere 50 yards -- I forget-FORGET! I have my iPod in my pocket. 2 minutes is all it took for my iPod to become another brick in the hopefully short wall of dead technological awesomeness. I decided to have a good time anyway on our trip and succeeded. Driving, however, has become less than awesome due to the suck that is non-iPod radio. I have an object lesson for you. Watch a DVD on a high-definition TV. Then, watch a VHS tape. What's that? You can't? That's right, because you don't even own a VCR anymore do you? And if you did, you threw all your tapes out and bought the same movies on DVD. I'm ranting because I'm really mad at myself for being so forgetful. For forgetting something that has become so ingrained in my life. So important. It shouldn't be important, but it is to me. It had my musical likes, some dislikes, and some songs I shouldn't like but do. However, I will survive. Hopefully, it won't be long until I'm back in the saddle again, listening to some awesome music, podcasts, watching some awesome shows, and giving people help with all their iPod needs. Take it from me, kids. Electronics hate water, and water takes up 2/3rds of our earth. So if you have a clue what that has to do with how awesome you are, let me know. Love & out to all.