Wait, what?

Ramblings on Life, Love, Humor, and Wierdness(not necessarily in that order)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Well, it's that time of year again. Time for the cuteness that is little children dressing up in costumes, eating waaay too much candy, and not wanting to get out of said costume because they like it so much. Okay, that last part is probably just for the 3 and younger crowd. I'm dieting, so the whole candy thing is a non-issue for me(at least that's what I keep telling myself). Here's the thing, though. Tonight, Munchkin has 2 options for her costume: Pocahontas or a bride. Not Bride of Frankenstein -- just a bride. At first this didn't bother me, but the more I thought about it the more it ate at me. Thinking about the past 2 Munchkin Halloweens(a red chili pepper and a giraffe), isn't a bride a jump? I've always laughed at the whole "my daughter's wedding day" thing with other people, but I'm feeling it now. She's growing up so much. It feels natural that she is, but at the same time, I'm yelling "SLOW DOWN!!" Keep on thinking that I'm funny or silly or fun. Don't become a teenager who's embarrassed by her parents. Yes, I know it's inevitable but it doesn't mean I have to like it. She's one of my two favorite people on the planet. When she gets married, I drop off her list as the favorite guy on her list. That's the way of things, I guess. I wouldn't have it any other way, though. That's the way God set it up, right? Anyhoo, that's down the road. Right now she doesn't like boys, likes dressing up, and likes me. Who could ask for more? But man, that Pocahontas costume IS pretty awesome...
Love and out to all.